Update About Timberview High School Situation

Update on Oct. 13 at 8 p.m.: Our commitment as a district has been, and will continue to be, that every one of our students and staff members feel safe and secure when coming into our buildings. Please know that we are forming ways in which the community can voice their input pertaining to school safety, and our school safety committee—comprised of students, staff, parents and community members—will be reestablished to help review systematic procedures and determine the next best steps.

In the meantime, we have implemented changes at all Mansfield ISD schools to enhance our safety and security processes even more. Effective immediately, MISD schools will have these heightened physical security measures:

  • The Mansfield ISD Police Department will be partnering with neighboring agencies to ensure that more law enforcement is available at our campuses.
  • There will be a designated staff member at the district level, who is fully trained in safety and security, to assist campuses in monitoring high-traffic and common areas in real time through our video surveillance systems.
  • In addition, random classroom checks will be implemented on our secondary campuses to check for weapons and other unauthorized objects using metal detector wands.

These protocols are in addition to our current Emergency Operations Plan and will remain in place until the safety committee finalizes its recommendations. Although the above measures go into effect immediately, the conversation with the community surrounding safety and security at our schools will be ongoing.

There will be a Town Hall Meeting with the goal of opening a dialogue between MISD officials alongside law enforcement and district stakeholders. The meeting will provide an opportunity to ask questions and offer suggestions about student safety. We want to be proactive about safety, so topics like social-emotional learning and our threat assessment reporting will also be included in those conversations.

Update on Oct. 11 at 4 p.m.: The events that transpired last week at Timberview High School were incredibly difficult for the entire community. Please know that Mansfield ISD will remain focused on the healing process and on the physical and social-emotional safety and well-being of our students and staff.

Tomorrow, Oct. 12 marks the first day after the tragedy that students and staff members will be back together on campus. Along with counseling services, there will be heightened security and police presence until further notice. Safety and security protocols are also being thoroughly reviewed. Watch the video message from Superintendent Dr. Kimberley Cantu.

Update on Oct. 8 at 10:00 a.m.: Going into the weekend, Mansfield ISD wants to ensure the healing process continues and that students, staff and families are able to get the assistance they need to cope with a crisis any time of the day.

Remember that Mansfield ISD’s 24/7 Student Support service is always available. It provides assistance to students for various struggles during non-school hours. There’s even additional support through a free referral service to help those with mental health or substance use issues to get matched for treatment.

Another valuable resource is Cigna’s free community resource that provides support during times of high stress and anxiety. The company has a 24-hour toll-free helpline (1-866-912-1687) to connect people directly with qualified clinicians who can provide support and guidance.

Please monitor your feelings and emotions frequently and listen to your children as well to see if they are doing okay. We are in this together, and we want to ensure no one is walking through this difficult time alone. There are free resources and professionals standing by who can listen to you and help.

Update on Oct. 7 at 11:15 a.m.: Mansfield ISD is focused on the healing process after the events that unfolded at Timberview High School on Wednesday, Oct. 6. We are grateful there were no fatalities, and reports indicate that those injured are expected to recover. All the students at the school were successfully reunified with their parent or guardian.

The safety and security of students and staff has always been and will remain our number one priority—both physically and social-emotionally. What happened can only be described as devastating, and we are providing the support needed in order for students, staff and families to process it in a healthy manner. Watch the video statement from Superintendent Dr. Kimberley Cantu.

Update at 4:45 p.m.: It has been a devastating day, and we are still in the midst of reunifying our students and parents; but we want to thank you for your cooperation, patience, understanding and kind words as we come to grips with what has happened.

We are so grateful there were no fatalities, and reports indicate that those injured are expected to recover.

It is so important that the Timberview High School community have time to heal, and so, there will be no school for Timberview High School and the Early College High School on Thursday, Oct. 7. All after-school activities, including athletics events and games, will also be canceled. In addition, the parent-teacher conferences on Oct. 8 will be rescheduled for a later date.

There will be counseling services available for students, staff and families tomorrow to help individuals begin to process what has happened. The services will be available both in person and virtually. Please see the counseling details below:

  • Word of Truth Church
    8201 Webb Ferrell Rd, Arlington, TX 76002
    Thursday, Oct. 7 starting at 7:25 a.m.
  • Mansfield ISD Center for the Performing Arts
    1110 W. Debbie Lane, Mansfield, TX 76063
    Thursday, Oct. 7 starting at 7:25 a.m.
  • Virtual Counseling - View the link here
    Thursday, Oct. 7 from 11 a.m. to noon

You can also review Mansfield ISD’s 24/7 Student Support service here, which provides assistance to students during non-school hours. There’s even additional support through a free referral service to help those with mental health or substance use issues to get matched for treatment.

Please note that given the current investigation underway, no one will be able to have access to the Timberview High School campus until further notice. We will be sure to update you once we have further details about steps moving forward.

Update at 1:28 p.m.: The suspect is in custody, and our campus lockouts have been lifted. All MISD after-school activities are canceled for Wednesday, Oct. 6.

The reunification process is still underway at the MISD Center for the Performing Arts for Timberview High School and Early School High School families. District staff is working to securely get students back to their appropriate guardian.

Mansfield ISD police, Arlington police and other neighboring law enforcement agencies were investigating a shooting situation at Timberview High School on Wednesday morning.

The school was on lockdown as the situation unfolded. There is one injured student and one injured staff member.

The “all clear” has since been given at Timberview High School, and the reunification process for Timberview High School and Early College High School families has been solidified.

Students are being safely escorted on buses, and Timberview High School and Early College High School parents/guardians are being asked to pick up their student at the Mansfield ISD Center for the Performing Arts, located at 1110 W. Debbie Lane, Mansfield, TX 76063.

Counseling services will also be available for students and parents at the reunification location.

All schools that feed into Timberview High School will remain on lockout out of an abundance of caution until the MISD police department clears those campuses. A lockout means classes will resume, but no one will be allowed in or out of the building.