Back to school information for 2022-2023 has been finalized for Timberview High School.
News Archive (2022-23)
Review news and announcements from the previous school term.
THS Students and Staff are encouraged to get registered to vote by October 11th. Read this message from our Texas Secretary for more information.
Buy your Varsity Football season passes for THS home games until September 8th.
Read more about our Lil' Stars Dance Clinic sponsored by our Celebrities Drill Team.
FAFSA applications open on October 1st! Meet with your assigned counselor today to talk about this process.
Read this post for Stadium guidelines for the 22-23 season.
It is Homecoming week at THS! Check out this post for all the details on dress-up days and events.
Come join Mr. Douglas for coffee and a light breakfast. We will be discussing upcoming events and all things THS.
Our Celebrities Drill Team is hosting a craft fair! We are looking for vendors and shoppers for this event. Check out this posting for more information.
We are so excited to welcome BPA to our campus.